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Comic Books (U.S.)
Space: 1999 Vol. 1, No. 1
Charlton Comics (U.S.)
November 1975
Script: Nicola Cuti; Art: Joe Staton; Coloring: Wendy Fiore; Lettering: uncredited; Editor: George R. Wildman; Publisher: John Santangelo, Jr.
Cover art by Joe Staton.
An ultra-concise (albeit rushed, due to limited space) retelling of "Breakaway" is provided within the first six pages, followed by a new story titled "Intelligent Species" and a text-only story, "The Kammerer Effect." Dated November 1975, three months after the first Space: 1999 TV airings in the U.S.
Download: First five pages in PDF format (1.2 Megabytes).
Download: Full issue in CBZ format (5.44 Megabytes).
Curious why some comic book pages turn yellow/brown color over time? Learn more.
Space: 1999 Vol. 2, No. 2
Charlton Comics (U.S.)
January 1976
Script: Nicola Cuti; Art: Joe Staton; Coloring: Wendy Fiore; Lettering: uncredited; Editor: George R. Wildman; Publisher: John Santangelo, Jr.
Cover art by Joe Staton.
An original story titled "Survival" and a text-only story, "The Stars." Dated January 1976.
Download: Full issue in CBZ format (5.51 Megabytes).
Curious why some comic book pages turn yellow/brown color over time? Learn more.
Space: 1999 Vol. 2, No. 3
Charlton Comics (U.S.)
March 1976
Script: Nicola Cuti; Art: John Byrne; Coloring: Wendy Fiore; Lettering: uncredited; Editor: George R. Wildman; Publisher: John Santangelo, Jr.
Cover art by John Byrne.
An original story titled "Bring Them Back Alive" and a text-only story, "The Space Sirens." Dated March 1976.
Download: Full issue in CBZ format (5.56 Megabytes).
Curious why some comic book pages turn yellow/brown color over time? Learn more.
Space: 1999 Vol. 2, No. 4
Charlton Comics (U.S.)
May 1976
Script: Nicola Cuti; Art: Joe Staton; Coloring: Wendy Fiore; Lettering: uncredited; Editor: George R. Wildman; Publisher: John Santangelo, Jr.
Cover art by Joe Staton.
An original story titled "Demon Star" and a text-only story, "The Micron Metamorphosis." Dated May 1976.
Download: Full issue in CBZ format (5.7 Megabytes).
Curious why some comic book pages turn yellow/brown color over time? Learn more.
Space: 1999 Vol. 2, No. 5
Charlton Comics (U.S.)
July 1976
Script: Nicola Cuti; Art: John Byrne; Coloring: Wendy Fiore; Lettering: uncredited; Editor: George R. Wildman; Publisher: John Santangelo, Jr.
Cover art by John Byrne.
An original story titled "Gods of the Planet Olympus" and a text-only story, "The Contaminator." Dated July 1976.
Download: Full issue CBZ format (5.33 Megabytes).
Curious why some comic book pages turn yellow/brown color over time? Learn more.
Space: 1999 Vol. 2, No. 6
Charlton Comics (U.S.)
September 1976
Writer/Art: John Byrne; Coloring: Wendy Fiore; Lettering: uncredited; Editor: George R. Wildman; Publisher: John Santangelo, Jr.
Cover art by John Byrne.
Original stories titled "Flotsam" (Chapter One) and "Survival" (Chapter Two), plus a text-only story, "Presence." Dated September 1976.
Download: Full issue in CBZ format (5.51 Megabytes).
Curious why some comic book pages turn yellow/brown color over time? Learn more.
Space: 1999 Vol. 2, No. 7
Charlton Comics (U.S.)
November 1976
Writer: Mike Pellowski; Art: Pat Boyette; Coloring and lettering: uncredited; Editor: George R. Wildman; Publisher: John Santangelo, Jr.
Cover art by Pat Boyette.
Adaptation of the Year Two episode "The Metamorph" and an original story, "Escape from Vipon," plus a text-only story, "Primitive Planet." Dated November 1976. Final issue.
Download: Full issue in CBZ format (11 Megabytes).
Curious why some comic book pages turn yellow/brown color over time? Learn more.
Space: 1999 - Return to the Beginning
Power Records (U.S.) / ATD Licensing Ltd.
Writer/Artist/Colorist/Letterer/Editor: unknown.
Comic book provided with vinyl LP record.
Download: Full issue in CBZ format (7.03 Megabytes).
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