Revival: Bringing Back Space: 1999
Since the final original episode airings of Space: 1999, fans have kept the spirit of the show alive in their hearts and imaginations. With the dawning of the Internet, fans across the world are connecting. Space: 1999 was truly an international phenomenon -- and that fact is more true today than ever before!
Carlton Communications now owns the licensing for Space: 1999. We implore fans to write Carlton and express their desire for a new Space: 1999 series -- or a continuation of the old.
We do wish to thank Carlton for their plans to release the series on Digital Versatile Disc format (commonly known as DVD). Thank you very much!
To reach Carlton, please send a polite letter to:
Carlton International Media
35-38 Portman Square
London W1H 0NU England
We hope you will voice your vote for MORE new, original Space: 1999 productions. The original concepts were promising. Let's see the adventures of Moonbase Alpha and the wayward moon continue -- or start anew!
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