Contact Us (E-mail)
I get a lot of e-mail. Actually, that's an understatement. Between work and home, I average (on a slow day) 150-300 relevant e-mails (excluding spam) per day. That's no joke. It may take me a while to respond to you personally. I usually reply when I can. If you don't make the cut, please don't get offended. And even though I may not be able to personally respond, I always appreciate your feedback.
Please make sure you've looked at the Help page. Many questions are answered there, and if yours is one of them, you probably won't get a reply from me. The URL is
If you want to contribute to the web site, check out our Open Content Model (OCM) page at And, yes, our site is always under some sort of construction--just bear with us as it takes shape! We're working as time permits to bring you a quality Space: 1999 fan site. Some things don't happen overnight! ;-)
Sending E-mail
Your feedback is important to us. If you have comments or questions or about our web site, we want to hear from you. Your message will be sent directly to the web team. Thank you for writing!
E-mail to:
Please be aware that the large volume of e-mail we receive may prevent us from responding individually (or quickly) to each message.
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