Welcome to Space1999.org's free, non-commercial eBook publishing imprint!
eBook Development Kit (Space1999.org)
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About the Kit
This developer kit outlines how to publish to the Space1999.org imprint. This includes joint imprints involving Space1999.org and other sites. While our kit is comprehensive and detailed, we understand there may be questions or comments. You can contact us via Space1999.org to discuss further.
The contents of our kit are freely available, although protected by a Creative Commons license.
Questions & Answers (Q&A)
- How can I use the kit?
Use it
- to learn how to publish your writings with Space1999.org's publishing imprint
- to understand our publishing process
- to learn how partner with Space1999.org, using a joint publishing imprint (eg. releasing eBooks together)
- to self-publish your own eBooks
- to start your own publishing imprint
- Can I use the kit on my own web site?
Yes. We prefer that web sites engaged in joint publishing imprints and partnerships with Space1999.org are the only ones to redistribute copies of this eBook Developer Kit on their own web site(s). However, per our Open Content Model (OCM), other web sites may host a copy, provided the OCM guidelines are followed.
- If I'm partnered with Space1999.org, such as a joint publishing imprint, should
the kit be rewritten to include my web site's name?
No. Reason being: Space1999.org maintains one master copy of this document. To upkeep multiple versions for various web sites would be about as fun as herding cats. Lots of cats.
The kit provides a general overview of how our eBooks are created. We do not want to confuse submitters with different kits. Ultimately, Space1999.org maintains the guidelines and assembles the actual eBook files; joint publishing imprints offer the final eBook product (files) for distribution via their sites.
- May I adapt your kit for my own efforts?
Yes. The content of the kit is protected by a Creative Commons license, so you may not market, sell or distribute the original kit as your own. However, if you wish to offer a version of the kit for your own project, we ask you that you a.) contact us before proceeding; b.) explain how you will use the kit; and c.) make sure credit for the kit's origin is given back to the author (Michael Faries, Space1999.org).
- So, if I'm a part of another fandom, I can re-use your kit (with permission) for my own
Yes. We believe it's time to uplevel and improve the fan fiction experience online. If you have the software and the know-how, then consider using our kit. The era of plain text fan fiction stories isn't over; however, other technologies and ideas--such as we've proposed with our kit--can improve the reader's experience! And it might breathe new life into older, lesser known or forgotten works!
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This work is licensed under a Creative
Commons License, in conjunction with our Open Source Content
Model. This site uses XHTML and CSS and looks best with a standards compliant browser.